Serbian Paramilitaries and the Breakup of Yugoslavia./ Iva Vukušić

Actualités de l'ISP

Informations pratiques

Jeudi 25 mai 2023
> 14h-16h
Lieu : 
Campus de l’Université Paris Nanterre, bâtiment Max Weber, rdc. salle n°1

Iva Vukušić est professeure d’histoire à l’Université d’Utrecht et auteure d’un ouvrage paru aux éditions Routledge sur les groupes paramilitaires pendant la guerre en Yougoslavie. Sa présentation portera sur les trajectoires de ces combattants qu’elle a reconstituées à partir d’archives du Tribunal pénal international pour la Yougoslavie (TPIY)

présentera, dans le cadre de l’Axe3 de l’ISP, son livre

Serbian Paramilitaries and the Breakup of Yugoslavia: Insights from Archives in The Hague, paru aux éditions Routledge.

The archives of trials conducted at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague hold a vast number of important documents, witness statements and other evidence, collected over 25 years of its operations. In that period it conducted dozens of trials, most notably against Ratko Mladić and Radovan Karadžić. This evidence material, largely accessible to the public in a comprehensive online database, is increasingly being used in research, most visibly in history. Vukušić’s recent book titled “Serbian Paramilitaries and the Breakup of Yugoslavia: State Connections and Patterns of Violence” (Routledge, 2022) draws on this material to provide the first comprehensive analysis of the emergence, nature, and function of these units in the 1990s. During this event, Vukušić will discuss her findings on state connections and patterns of violence against civilians, while reflecting also on how this evidence material can be used to understand how and why these units emerged, and what they did.