Université Paris Nanterre, bâtiment Max Weber 3é etg
200 av de la République
92000 Nanterre

Maissam Nimer

Postdoctoral researcher

Research interests

Intersectionality in migration
Labour and displacement


Maissam Nimer is a sociologist working in the fields of migration, education, language, and social and gender inequalities. She has carried out work at Koç University, Istanbul, dealing with the integration of Syrian refugee youth in Turkey. As a Mercator IPC fellow at Sabanci University and recipient of a one-year Koç University Seed Grant, she further explored the role of language instruction in integration of Syrian refugees in Turkey.

Her doctoral dissertation at Paris Saclay University (PhD obtained in July 2016) looked at inequalities of access to higher education and mechanisms of action of an internationally funded development program in Lebanon. Her work has been published in international and regional academic journals including Gender and Education, Third World Quarterly, Sociological Research Online, International Studies in Sociology of Education, Multilingua. Journal of Cross-Cultural and Interlanguage Communication as well as New Perspectives on Turkey, Idafat, Civil Society Review and New Middle East Studies Journal.

Personnal webpage

Main publications

Nimer, M. and Rottmann, S. (accepté) Migration Regime and “Language Part of Work”: Experiences of Syrian Refugees as Surplus Population in the Turkish Labour Market. Critical Sociology.

Nimer, M. (2020) Transforming the state-civil society relation: Centralization and externalization in refugee education. New Perspectives on Turkey, DOI: 10.1017/npt.2020.21

Rottmann, S. and Nimer, M. (2020) Language Learning Through an Intersectional Lens: Gender, Migrant Status and Gain in Symbolic Capital for Syrian Refugee Women in Turkey. Multilingua: Journal of Cross-Cultural and Interlanguage Communication. DOI: 10.1515/multi-2020-0035

Nimer, M. (2020) Beyond Social Mobility: Biographies, Habitus and Change in ‘Conditions of Existence’ among University Scholarship Students, Sociological Research Online, (2020). DOI: 10.1177/0123456789123456

Icduygu, A. and Nimer, M. (2020) The Politics of Return: Exploring the Future of Syrian Refugees in a Question of Repatriation. Third World Quarterly Vol. 41: Numéro 3 DOI:10.1080/01436597.2019.1675503

Nimer, M. and Makkouk N. (2020), Bringing a Global Model to the Lebanese Education Context: Adaptation or Adoption? In M.A.M. Thomas, E. Rauschenberger, & K. Crawford-Garrett (Eds.), Examining Teach For All: International perspectives on a growing global network (Chapter 8). Oxford Studies in Comparative Education. London: Routledge.

Nimer, M. (2020) Gendered Socializations and Critical Reflexivity in an Elite University in Lebanon, Gender and Education. Vol. 32: Numéro 4 (published online 2018). DOI:10.1080/09540253.2018.1501005

Nimer, M. and Celik, C. (2019) Social Justice or ‘Human Capital’ Development through Higher Education: Experiences of Scholarship Students in Lebanon. International Studies in Sociology of Education. DOI:10.1080/09620214.2019.1672574

Nimer, M. (2019) Reflections on the Political Economy in Forced Migration Research from a ‘Global South’ Perspective, The Sociological Review in Global Sociology collection

Nimer, M. (2018) ‘Developing Human Capital or Encouraging Emigration? A Case Study of an International Development Program in Lebanon’. In International Migration in the 21st Century, edited by Gökçe Bayindir Goularas and Işil Zeynep Turkan-İpek, 213–28. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.


List of publications

View all on personnal website.

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