Université Paris Nanterre, bâtiment Max Weber 3é etg
200 av de la République
92000 Nanterre


Marielle Debos

Associate Professor in Political Science at the University Paris Nanterre

Research interests :

Armed conflicts and violence
Gender and postcolonial studies
African studies
Biometrics and identification


Marielle Debos is Associate Professor (MCF) in Political Science at the University Paris Nanterre, researcher at the ISP, and a member of the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF).

Marielle Debos has written on political violence, armed conflicts, and France’s (post)colonial policy in Africa, with a particular focus on Chad. Her most recent research explores biometric voting in Africa. The project aims to contribute to our understanding of the circulation of a new technology which, on the African continent as in other parts of the world, may radically modify our conceptions and practices of citizenship and democracy.

Main publications

“Biometrics and the disciplining of democracy: Technology, electoral politics, and liberal interventionism in Chad,” Democratization, 2021.

“Legible bodies and lives: How a biometric registration campaign reinvented the Chadian population,” in Awenengo Dalberto Séverine, Banégas Richard (eds.), Identification and Citizenship in Africa: Biometrics, the Documentary State and Bureaucratic Writings of the Self, Routledge, 2021, pp. 65-75.

“Colonial violence and resistance in Chad (1900-1960),” Mass Violence & Resistance, 2020.

“Que faire des interventions militaires dans le champ académique? Réflexions sur la nécessaire distinction entre expertise et savoir scientifique,” 20&21 Revue d’histoire, 2020, n°145, with Thibaut Boncourt, Mathias Delori, Benoît Pélopidas, Christophe Wasinski, pp. 135-150.

Living by the gun in Chad: Combatants, impunity and state formation, London, Zed Books, 2016.

List of publications

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